On Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 08:05:40AM -0500, Laura Conrad wrote:
"Jonathan" == Jonathan Walther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jonathan> We North Americans do preserve some items of history
Jonathan> that Europe has shed. Do not discriminate against us on
Jonathan> that account.
That being said, I'm one of the people who would use shape note support
if it got added, and I'm willing to help, or even to start something if
other people would be willing to help. I've never used metafont, but I
do own The Book. So I gather the first thing is to produce the shapes
in Metafont?
I have a new job doing kernel development, and time is scarce. So is
money, but I'm prepared to donate $100 to the Lilypond project for the
sake of this feature. Where do I send the cheque?
And a typographical question: am I the only person who is bothered by
both whatever font the Sacred Harp uses and the Finale font, because
the triangle seems so much lighter weight than the other symbols?
I don't know what font Finale uses, but my shaped note hymnal doesn't
use a very good font either. This is something where we could probably
excel. According to the list archives, it looks like someone already
did the metafont for this; or else that is the stage they got stuck at.
If the list archives had email addresses, I'd drop the person a note.
The important thing with shape notes is that the shape be distinct. The
triangle, square, diamond, circle, hemisphere, and the other two.
Patriarchy, Polygamy, Slavery ::: Fatherhood, Husbandry, Mastery
Puritan: Purity of faith, Purity of doctrine. Sola Scriptura!
Eukleia: Jonathan Walther
Address: 12706 99 Ave, Surrey, BC V3V2P8 (Canada)
Contact: 604-582-9308 (between 7am and 11pm, PST)
Website: http://reactor-core.org/
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