Fri, 14 May 2004 13:38:07 -0400, David a dit : > I've started on a language reference. You can take a look at what > I've got so far. See attached. It's not much but it's a start. > Also, look in the files in /usr/local/share/lilypond/<version>/ly (or > as appropriate for your system). A lot of stuff is in there.
> David A bit off topic, but still about notation: I use the following document as a reference for scheme: it is generated by the ly file:
%%% Run: %%% lilypond-bin -e "(define-public out \"$PWD/notation-book.html\")" %%% to generate notation-book.html #(use-modules (ice-9 format) (ice-9 optargs) (ice-9 regex) (guile-user) (lily) (srfi srfi-1)) %%;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #(define-module (lily)) #(define*-public (markup->make-markup markup-expression) "Generate a expression that, when evaluated, return an equivalent markup expression" (define (inner-markup->make-markup mrkup) (let ((cmd (car mrkup)) (args (cdr mrkup))) `(,(proc->command cmd) ,@(map transform-arg args)))) (define (proc->command proc) (let ((cmd-markup (symbol->string (procedure-name proc)))) (symbol->keyword (string->symbol (substring cmd-markup 0 (- (string-length cmd-markup) (string-length "-markup"))))))) (define (transform-arg arg) (cond ((and (pair? arg) (pair? (car arg))) ;; markup list (apply append (map inner-markup->make-markup arg))) ((pair? arg) ;; markup (inner-markup->make-markup arg)) (else ;; scheme arg arg))) `(markup ,@(inner-markup->make-markup markup-expression))) #(define*-public (mus:pretty-string obj #:optional (depth 0)) (cond ((ly:music? obj) (format #f "(make-music '~a~{~a~})" (ly:music-property obj 'name) (map (lambda (prop) (format #f "~%~v_'~a ~a" (+ 2 (* 13 depth)) (car prop) (cond ((list? (cdr prop)) (format #f "(~{~a~})" (map (lambda (mus) (format #f "~%~v_~a" (* 13 (1+ depth)) (mus:pretty-string mus (1+ depth)))) (cdr prop)))) ((string? (cdr prop)) (string-append "\"" (cdr prop) "\"")) (else (mus:pretty-string (cdr prop) (1+ depth)))))) (remove (lambda (prop) (eqv? (car prop) 'origin)) (ly:music-mutable-properties obj))))) ((string? obj) (format #f "\"~a\"" obj)) ((symbol? obj) (format #f "'~a" obj)) ((ly:duration? obj) (format #f "(ly:make-duration ~a ~a ~a ~a)" (ly:duration-log obj) (ly:duration-dot-count obj) (car (ly:duration-factor obj)) (cdr (ly:duration-factor obj)))) ((ly:pitch? obj) (format #f "(ly:make-pitch ~a ~a ~a)" (ly:pitch-octave obj) (ly:pitch-notename obj) (ly:pitch-alteration obj))) ((procedure? obj) (or (procedure-name obj) (format #f "(lambda ...)"))) ((and (list? obj) (markup-function? (car obj))) (format #f "~a" (markup->make-markup obj))) (format #f "~a" obj))) %%;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #(define-module (*anonymous-ly-1*)) #(define (htmlize text) (regexp-substitute/global #f ">" (regexp-substitute/global #f "<" text 'pre "<" 'post) 'pre ">" 'post)) #(define (book text) (format #t "~%~%~%<h1>~a</h1>~%" text)) #(define (chapter text) (format #t "~%~%<h2>~a</h2>~%" text)) #(define (section text) (format #t "~%<h3>~a</h3>~%" text)) #(define (comment text) (format #t "~%<pre>~a</pre>~%" (htmlize text))) #(define-public (read-and-htmlize-lily chr port) (let ((lily-string (call-with-output-string (lambda (out) (do ((c (read-char port) (read-char port))) ((and (char=? c #\#) (char=? (peek-char port) #\])) ;; we stop when #] is encoutered (read-char port)) (display c out)))))) `(let ((lily-expr (car (ly:music-property (ly:parse-string-result ,lily-string parser (current-module)) 'elements)))) (format #t "~%<div style=\"border: 1pt solid black; padding: 0px; margin: 5px;\"> <pre style=\"padding: 5px; margin: 0px; background-color: #ffffee\">~a</pre>~% <pre style=\"padding: 5px; margin: 0px; background-color: #ffeeee\">~a</pre>~%</div>" (htmlize ,lily-string) (htmlize (mus:pretty-string lily-expr)))))) #(read-hash-extend #\[ read-and-htmlize-lily) %%;;;;; #(define (blanker grob grob-origin context) (if (and (memq (ly:get-grob-property grob 'interfaces) note-head-interface) (eq? (ly:get-grob-property grob 'staff-position) 0)) (ly:set-grob-property! grob 'transparent #t))) #(define-public (write-notation-book file) (with-output-to-file file (lambda () (format #t "<html>~%<head>~% <title>Music expressions</title>~%</head>~%~%<body>") (book "Scheme notation book") ;; (chapter "Note entry") ;; (section "Notes") #[ \notes { cis'4 } #] ;; (section "Pitches") ;; (comment "==> define pitch maker") (section "Chromatic alterations") #[ \notes { cis' cis'! cis'? } #] (section "Chords") #[\notes { <c e g>2. }#] (section "Rests") #[\notes { r8 }#] #[\notes { d'4\rest }#] (section "Skips") #[\notes { s8 }#] ;; (section "Durations") ;; (comment "==> define duration maker") (section "Stems") #[\notes { c8[ e] }#] (section "Ties") #[\notes { e' ~ e' }#] (section "Tuplets") #[\notes { \times 2/3 {c'4 c' c'} }#] ;; (chapter "Staff notation") ;; (section "Key signature") #[\notes { \key g \minor }#] (section "Clef") #[\notes { \clef bass }#] ;; ==> clef maker (clef pitch line #:optional octaviation) (section "Time signature") #[\notes { \time 3/4 }#] #[\notes { #(set-time-signature 9 8 '(2 2 2 3)) }#] (section "Partial measures") #[\notes { \partial 16*5 }#] (comment " \partial duration <=> \set Timing.measurePosition = -length of duration") (section "Bar lines") #[\notes { \bar "|:" }#] ;; (chapter "Expressive marks") ;; (section "Slurs") #[\notes { f( g) }#] (section "Phrasing slurs") #[\notes { f\( g\) }#] (section "Breath marks") #[\notes { c4 \breathe d4 }#] (section "Metronome marks") #[\notes { \tempo 8.=120 }#] (section "Text spanners") #[\notes { c1 \override TextSpanner #'direction = #-1 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rall " . "") c2\startTextSpan b c\stopTextSpan a }#] (section "Analysis brackets") #[\notes { c4\startGroup c4\stopGroup }#] (section "Articulations") #[\notes { c''4^^ }#] #[\notes { c''4_. }#] #[\notes { c\fermata }#] (section "Fingering instructions") #[\notes { c''4-1 }#] (section "Text scripts") #[\notes { c4^"longtext" }#] (section "Grace notes") #[\notes { \acciaccatura d8 c4 }#] #[\notes { \appoggiatura d8 c4 }#] #[\notes { \grace d8 c4 }#] (section "Glissando") #[\notes { c\glissando c' }#] (section "Dynamics") #[\notes { c4\sfz }#] #[\notes { c4_\pp }#] #[\notes { c''\< c''\! }#] #[\notes { d''\decr e''\enddecr }#] ;; (chapter "Repeats") ;; (section "Repeat syntax ") #[\notes { \repeat volta 2 { c4 } }#] #[\notes { \repeat volta 4 { e1 } \alternative { { g2. } { a4 } } }#] (section "Manual repeat commands") #[ \notes { c4 \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "93") end-repeat) c4 c4 \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f)) c4 c4 }#] (section "Tremolo repeats") #[\notes { \repeat "tremolo" 8 { c16 d16 } }#] #[\notes { \repeat "tremolo" 4 c16 }#] (section "Tremolo subdivisions") #[\notes { c':32 }#] (section "Measure repeats") #[\notes { \repeat "percent" 4 { c'4 } }#] ;; (chapter "Piano music") ;; (section "Automatic staff changes") #[ \notes \autochange \new Voice { g'4 }#] (section "Manual staff switches") #[\change Staff = "down"#] (section "Arpeggio") #[\notes { <c e g c>\arpeggio }#] ;; (chapter "Vocal music") ;; (section "Entering lyrics") #[\lyrics { hel8 -- lo wo2 __ orld4 }#] (section "The Lyrics context") #[\notes << \context Voice = "lala" { f4 } \lyricsto "lala" \new Lyrics \lyrics { la } >>#] ;; (chapter "Chord names") ;; #[\chords { c1 f:sus4 }#] ;; (chapter "Orchestral music") ;; (section "Rehearsal marks") #[\notes { \mark \default }#] #[\notes { \mark #8 }#] #[\notes { \mark \markup \musicglyph #"scripts-ufermata" }#] (section "Transpose") #[\notes { \transpose c g' { c d } }#] (section "Multi measure rests") #[\notes { R1*17 }#] (section "Automatic part combining") #[\notes { \partcombine { c1 } { e1 } }#] (section "Different editions from one source") #[\notes { \tag #'score c1 }#] ;; (chapter "Ancient notation") ;; (section "Figured bass") #[\figures { <6>4 <6+ [_!]>8 <6 5 [3+] > }#] ;; (chapter "Tuning output") ;; (section "Tuning objects") #[\notes { \once \override Voice.Fingering #'padding = #3 }#] #[\notes { \revert Stem #'thickness }#] (section "Applyoutput") #[\applyoutput #blanker#] ;; ;;(book "Technical manual") ;; (chapter "Interpretation context") ;; (section "Creating contexts") #[\notes { \context Staff = "another" e4 }#] #[\notes { \context Staff e4 }#] #[\notes { \new Staff e4 }#] (section "Context properties") #[\notes { \set melismaBusy = #t }#] #[\notes { \unset Voice.melismaBusy }#] (section "Context evaluation") #[\applycontext #(lambda (x) (format #t "\nWe were called in barnumber ~a.\n" (ly:get-context-property x 'currentBarNumber)))#] (section "Changing contexts locally") #[\notes { \new Staff \with { \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep 1.5) fontSize = #1.5 \consists "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Clef_engraver" } { } }#] ;; (chapter "Music storage format") ;; (section "Music expressions") #[\notes\simultaneous { c e }#] #[\notes\sequential { c e }#] (section "Manipulating music expressions") (comment "(applymusic proc music-expr)") ;; (format #t "~%</body>~%</html>"))) '()) #(let ((out-file (if (defined? 'out) out "/tmp/notation-book.html"))) (format #t "~%Writing ~a...~%" out-file) (write-notation-book out-file) (format #t "~%done.~%")) \score { \notes { c' } }
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