On Fri, 14 May 2004 13:38:07 -0400 David Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've started on a language reference.  You can take a look at what I've
> got so far.  See attached.  It's not much but it's a start.  Also, look
> in the files in /usr/local/share/lilypond/<version>/ly (or as 
> appropriate for your system).  A lot of stuff is in there.
> David

Some comments:

  "no octave mark indicates the octave below middle c"

Isn't c' middle c?

The following is mark is enough for the moment .. I am repeating myself, but the
indication of version is the additional value what the manual provides:

  Introduced in version x.

There was introduced postfix syntax at some point in the developement (since
major release 2.0.0). Therefore, slurs, accidentals, etc. are attached to a note
using a postfix syntax:

  @code{note1 ~ note2}

  Produces a tie between notes1 and note2.

The syntax above is "note1-~ note2", although it may be written as above. In
other words, '~' has no meaning without a preceding note to which it is attached
as a postfixer and without a following note that is of the same pitch. 

In other words, maybe it should be indicated that '~' is a note_modifier, as you
indicate earlier:



  Heikki Junes

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