On Tue, 04 May 2004 13:15:12 -0400 David Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 4, 2004, at 4:20 AM, Stefaan Himpe wrote:
> >
> > Sounds like an interesting plan, but have a look at the existing 
> > documentation first, I think there is already quite some reference 
> > documentation available. (from the website: follow the links to 
> > documentation, then program reference)
> Well, yes, there is already almost what I'm looking for there.  The 
> program reference is too low level.  The "notation manual" section of 
> the Lilypond manual is almost it.  Basically, I'm looking for a more 
> formal notation manual.  In fact, I can probably cut and paste a lot 
> out of it.  But I'm looking for something more brief, more formal, and 
> alphabetical.  Here's a quick and dirty example of what I'm thinking.  
> Let me know if such a thing already exists, or if you think this would 
> be of use or not.
> David

Formal language reference sounds just good. It would show explicitly that
LilyPond has a coherent syntax. The value of the language reference would
increase a lot, if there would also be given the version indication: 

  (since 1.7.23)

  Heikki Junes

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