> > do them as a font? Isn't it easier to do a markup, eg.
> > 
> >   \markup  { \braile #"..o.o.o" }
> > 
> > which takes the pattern of . and o and puts  the dots in the 
> > right place?
> > 
> That's a cool idea. 
> However, some Braille users seem to be a bit fussy about how their
> Braille looks.
> I know, I know, most of them are blind, but some commentators seem to
> like fancy diamonds 
> for the points rather than plain dots so I thought that users of the
> facility might 
> want to mess with the style a bit. It's not big deal to do in a font.
> After all, you only do it once in a function
> And replicate calls to it. :) Also, some like to to see tiny markers in
> the spaces where the dots would be in some cases.

OK, so you could do it by adding a dot, a diamond and a tiny marker to
the feta font.  I wouldn't go with the "put all braille glyphs in a
separate font", but of course, it depends on how braille
"screens/printers" are driven.

> Is there any way that I can guard against horrible kludgy output if
> somebody tries to
> include the engraver in that \Staff context rather than the above
> approach?

No, who would do that? If it is working, we will ship and document the
BrailleStaff in the standard distribution.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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