> Yippee!!!!
> I've got some spare time.


> So, I'm pretty well done doing a Braille font for Lily, that's no
> problem.

Huh? I thought braille is are just a grid of six dots. Why would you
do them as a font? Isn't it easier to do a markup, eg.

  \markup  { \braile #"..o.o.o" }

which takes the pattern of . and o and puts  the dots in the right place?

> How I've decided to tackle it is to design a new engraver which will
> "hang" the Braille text across the top of the current context items
> (e.g. Staff).
> I've studied a selection of existing engravers and, since Braille music
> is just a stream of Braille characters, I looked at the LyricText
> engraver to see how this can easily be achieved. However it contains
> lots of "ugh"s and some comment about creating space from thin air, so I
> wonder if that is dodgy territory.

Are you looking at the same file as I, which one?  (Please use 2.1 for
new development.)

> Since everything is spaced and positioned ultimately by chaining grobs
> off the top, bottom and side of others, I'm not sure how to position a
> grob above *everything* else for the current Staff.

Do it like you do chordnames: make a

  \context BrailleStaff { .. }

which has a Braille_note_engraver , and then

   \context BrailleStaff \myMusic
   \context Staff \myMusic


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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