> (almost always a bad move) or you get a slew of warnings about how the
> string selection is being ignored when the notes are included in the
> conventional staff.  Because the warning is done in 2 lines of output, I
> can't even get rid of all the junk by piping stderr to grep -v.  Could
> you eliminate those warnings?

Yep, see 1.9 CVS.

As for tab defaults - I realize that the formatting for Tab should
really be done starting from an instrument description,
i.e. string-tunings and definitions for fret distances (Hey, we could
do quarter-tone fretted guitars ;-) It seems like a change that needs
some overthinking, especially since I don't play a
string-instrument. So, it will have to wait till after 2.0


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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