NOTE-NOTE-NOTE-NOTE-NOTE-NOTE ***************************** 1.9.4 is an experimental release: the documentation does NOT compile!
Hi there, I have just put up 1.9.4. For this release I have changed the chord syntax: effectively, << >> and < > have been swapped. I would like to hear your commments on this change. * Chords are more often used than simultaneous music. Hence, using < > for chords saves keystrokes. However, the benefit is not large, since << and >> are rather easy to type. * How does readability change? I have the impression that the old syntax is more readable than the new one, i.e. that bes'8 <<bes' f'>>[ <<f' as>> <<bes, f'>> <<f' as>> <<bes, f'>>] | es,8 <<bes' es>>[ <<es g>> <<bes es>> <<es g>> <<bes es>>] | <<g, g'>>2 r4 | <<c c'>>2 r4 | <<as as'>>2 r4 | <<es es'>>2 r4 | <<bes' bes'>>8 <<f'' bes>>[ <<bes d>> <<f bes>> <<bes d>> <<f bes>>] | <<es,, es'>>8 <<es'' g bes>>[ <<g bes es>> <<es g bes>> <<g bes es>> <<es g bes>>] is better readable than bes'8 <bes' f'>[ <f' as> <bes, f'> <f' as> <bes, f'>] | es,8 <bes' es>[ <es g> <bes es> <es g> <bes es>] | <g, g'>2 r4 | <c c'>2 r4 | <as as'>2 r4 | <es es'>2 r4 | <bes' bes'>8 <f'' bes>[ <bes d> <f bes> <bes d> <f bes>] | <es,, es'>8 <es'' g bes>[ <g bes es> <es g bes> <g bes es> <es g bes>] | My feeling is that << >> stands out better in the text, and that in the < > version the chord-pitches do not appear to form groups. Since readability is more important than efficient typing, my own feeling is that this change might not be a good idea. What is your opinion? Is this a good change or not? -- Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | _______________________________________________ Lilypond-devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]