On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 06:33, Rune Zedeler wrote:
> Rune Zedeler wrote:
> > This is really smart!
> > I don't understand what is going on, I can just see that it for some 
> > reason does not work with the multicol-environment:

Use \twocolumn instead. I'll add support for multicols later today.

> Silly me, ofcourse I don't understand what is going on as long as I 
> don't look in the code in lilypond-book.
> If one was really serious one would create a more complex latex-file 
> with all environments, etc, and then read the values individually for 
> each lilypond file so that environments that change the textwidth also 
> get correctly interpreted.
> Another option would be to make lilypond-book in a two-pass approach so 
> that a command to output the current text-width was inserted in the 
> latex-file along with each lilypond-block. On the next run of 
> lilypond-book theese values could be used instead allowing the user to 
> use any latex-construct and still get correct result.

Lilypond-book sort-of works this way now, but only the document preabmle
is two-pass. We still have to search for commands that change the
margins or number of columns in the document body.

> -Rune
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