Attached is a patch that adds support for the columnsep when using the
geometry package.

I have tested all execution paths in _calc_linewidth, and it seems ok,
but there is no guarantee.

Btw, I get this error message when I generate the diff:

/usr/bin/python ././stepmake/bin/ 
argv: --outdir=/home/tom/src/lilypond-1.5.64/./out
diffing to
diff -purN ../lilypond-1.5.64 . >>
Cleaning ... 
ln -f ././out/lilypond-1.5.64.tca1.diff.gz /home/tom/src/patches
ln: accessing `././out/lilypond-1.5.64.tca1.diff.gz': No such file or
make: [diff] Error 1 (ignored)

$HOME/src/releases and $HOME/src/patches exist, and 1.5.64 is unpackaged
as $HOME/src/lilypond-1.5.64. First I did "make release" to create
../releases/lilypond-1.5.64.tar.gz. Then I edited VERSION and added tca1
to MY_PATH_LEVEL and edited scripts/ and then "make
release" to create ../releases/lilypond-1.5.64.tca1.tar.gz and finally
"make diff" when I got the error message shown above. The file attached
was found as
Tom Cato Amundsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GNU Solfege - free eartraining,

Attachment: lilypond-1.5.64-1.5.64.tca1.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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