CVSROOT: /cvsroot/lilypond Module name: lilypond Branch: Changes by: Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/06/14 03:52:00
Modified files: . : ChangeLog Documentation/user: advanced-notation.itely Log message: Added color names. CVSWeb URLs: Patches: Index: lilypond/ChangeLog diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3774 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3775 --- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3774 Tue Jun 14 00:44:14 2005 +++ lilypond/ChangeLog Tue Jun 14 03:51:59 2005 @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ +2005-06-14 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> + + * Documentation/topdocs/INSTALL.texi: update vim info; + thanks Simon Bailey! + + * Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely: included + color names. + 2005-06-14 Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * lily/ (LY_DEFINE): new function ly_add_option. Index: lilypond/Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely diff -u lilypond/Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely:1.31 lilypond/Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely:1.32 --- lilypond/Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely:1.31 Mon May 30 21:20:14 2005 +++ lilypond/Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely Tue Jun 14 03:52:00 2005 @@ -2055,11 +2055,10 @@ @node Coloring objects @subsection Coloring objects [EMAIL PROTECTED] FIXME: need link to missing list of colors -Individual objects may be assigned colors. You may use color names -listed HERE +Individual objects may be assigned colors. You may use the +color names listed below. [EMAIL PROTECTED],raggedright,verbatim,fragment] [EMAIL PROTECTED],raggedright,verbatim,fragment,relative=1] \override NoteHead #'color = #red c4 c \override NoteHead #'color = #(x11-color 'LimeGreen) @@ -2116,6 +2115,93 @@ @end lilypond [EMAIL PROTECTED] List of colors + [EMAIL PROTECTED] +Normal colors +============= + +black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, grey, +darkred, darkgreen, darkblue, darkcyan, darkmagenta, darkyellow. + +X color names +=============== + +X color names come several variants: + +Any name that is spelled as a single word with capitalisation +(e.g. "LightSlateBlue") can also be spelled as space separated +words without capitalisation (e.g. "light slate blue"). + +The word "grey" can always be spelled "gray" (e.g. "DarkSlateGray"). + +Some names can take a numerical suffix (e.g. "LightSalmon4"). + +Color Names without a numerical suffix: +--------------------------------------- + +snow GhostWhite WhiteSmoke gainsboro FloralWhite +OldLace linen AntiqueWhite PapayaWhip BlanchedAlmond +bisque PeachPuff NavajoWhite moccasin cornsilk +ivory LemonChiffon seashell honeydew MintCream +azure AliceBlue lavender LavenderBlush MistyRose +white black DarkSlateGrey DimGrey SlateGrey +LightSlateGrey grey LightGrey MidnightBlue navy +NavyBlue CornflowerBlue DarkSlateBlue SlateBlue MediumSlateBlue +LightSlateBlue MediumBlue RoyalBlue blue DodgerBlue +DeepSkyBlue SkyBlue LightSkyBlue SteelBlue LightSteelBlue +LightBlue PowderBlue PaleTurquoise DarkTurquoise MediumTurquoise +turquoise cyan LightCyan CadetBlue MediumAquamarine +aquamarine DarkGreen DarkOliveGreen DarkSeaGreen SeaGreen +MediumSeaGreen LightSeaGreen PaleGreen SpringGreen LawnGreen +green chartreuse MediumSpringGreen GreenYellow LimeGreen +YellowGreen ForestGreen OliveDrab DarkKhaki khaki +PaleGoldenrod LightGoldenrodYellow LightYellow yellow gold +LightGoldenrod goldenrod DarkGoldenrod RosyBrown IndianRed +SaddleBrown sienna peru burlywood beige +wheat SandyBrown tan chocolate firebrick +brown DarkSalmon salmon LightSalmon orange +DarkOrange coral LightCoral tomato OrangeRed +red HotPink DeepPink pink LightPink +PaleVioletRed maroon MediumVioletRed VioletRed magenta +violet plum orchid MediumOrchid DarkOrchid +DarkViolet BlueViolet purple MediumPurple thistle +DarkGrey DarkBlue DarkCyan DarkMagenta DarkRed +LightGreen + +Color names with a numerical suffix +----------------------------------- + +In the following names the suffix N can be a number in the range 1-4: + +snowN seashellN AntiqueWhiteN bisqueN PeachPuffN +NavajoWhiteN LemonChiffonN cornsilkN ivoryN honeydewN +LavenderBlushN MistyRoseN azureN SlateBlueN RoyalBlueN +blueN DodgerBlueN SteelBlueN DeepSkyBlueN SkyBlueN +LightSkyBlueN LightSteelBlueN LightBlueN LightCyanN PaleTurquoiseN +CadetBlueN turquoiseN cyanN aquamarineN DarkSeaGreenN +SeaGreenN PaleGreenN SpringGreenN greenN chartreuseN +OliveDrabN DarkOliveGreenN khakiN LightGoldenrodN LightYellowN +yellowN goldN goldenrodN DarkGoldenrodN RosyBrownN +IndianRedN siennaN burlywoodN wheatN tanN +chocolateN firebrickN brownN salmonN LightSalmonN +orangeN DarkOrangeN coralN tomatoN OrangeRedN +redN DeepPinkN HotPinkN pinkN LightPinkN +PaleVioletRedN maroonN VioletRedN magentaN orchidN +plumN MediumOrchidN DarkOrchidN purpleN MediumPurpleN +thistleN + +Grey Scale +---------- + +A grey scale can be obtained using: + +greyN + +Where N is in the range 0-100. [EMAIL PROTECTED] verbatim + + @refbugs Not all x11 colors are distinguishable in a web browser. For web use normal colors are recommended. @@ -2124,12 +2210,6 @@ named normal color. [EMAIL PROTECTED] - -COLORLIST - - - @node Automatic notation @section Automatic notation _______________________________________________ Lilypond-cvs mailing list