On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 7:00 AM Richard Fontana <font...@sharpeleven.org>

> You probably already know this: several years ago an effort was made
> to import the early (Russ Nelson's crynwr.com-hosted) license-discuss
> archives to lists.opensource.org, and so you can see the results at
> http://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-discuss_lists.opensource.org/
> which go back to April 1999. I have assumed that process was
> substantially complete but I don't think that it was possible to
> correctly fix links to archived license-discuss posts in posts in the
> migrated archives.

Indeed, the license-discuss archive seems to be fairly complete. We can't
find  the archives (if they exist) of board discussions where licenses were
formally approved, if such proof of approval existed in the first place.

Does anyone have a recollection of how the board approved and kept records
of approval besides messaging license-discuss? Does anybody remember how
the board operated, where they kept records of their decisions in the
1998-2007 timeframe?

(I believe that the first public records of board meetings is from 2007:

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