Hello folks, The OSI announced today that we started cleaning up the list of Approved Licenses published on opensource.org thanks to an intern, Giulia Dellanoce. With the migration to the new website, we moved the list from simple web pages[1] to a structured and consistent approach.
The new site forces licenses to follow a precise template with important metadata like date of approval, link to the approval minutes, version number, category, etc. The template is flexible enough that we'll be able to follow the recommendations of the License Review working group[2] once they're ready. Giulia started her work a few days ago and already made tremendous progress. The biggest challenges are ahead though: The mailing list archives before 2007 are a lot more convoluted to parse... Also, I'm not sure where the board meeting minutes were kept in the early days. She's still parsing the material we have in OSI's archives but she may need to tap into the collective memory of the people on this list to track decisions made between 1998 and 2007. I'm very excited about this work because it makes the list of Approved Licenses more useful and opens the path to improvements to API access to the list. Full announcement: https://blog.opensource.org/open-source-approved-license-registry-project-underway-with-help-of-intern-giulia-dellanoce/ Stay on the lookout for requests from me and Giulia :) Thanks, Stef PS Slim.AI donated the funds that support this internship [1] For precision, the previous website also had a structure for License pages, but not every license followed it. [2] https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Working-Groups-Incubator-Projects/Recommendation-License-Review-Process/#ID5 -- *Executive Director - Open Source Initiative* Book a meeting: https://cal.com/smaffulli/meeting
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