Andrew DeMarsh wrote on 25/8/20 13:51:
There are plenty of legal professionals on this list that can most likely write a far better rule/requirment, I personally would not throw in the X projects requirement as I think that changes the rules significantly from what they are today and would require a lot more input/consideration then simply "be professional, no mix and match licenses". approach despite that being the "silent" rule in L-D and L-R.

Purely as an FYI, not to imply support or rejection of an idea to have an "X projects" requirement, here's how the SPDX License List handles that:

"The license has actual, substantial use such that it is likely to be encountered. Substantial use may be demonstrated via use in many projects, or in one or a few significant projects. For new licenses, there are definitive plans for the license to be used in one or a few significant projects."

The full SPDX license inclusion principles are here, for the curious:


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