Hi Nicholas,

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020, at 14:07, Nicholas Matthew Neft Weinstock wrote:
> As an analogy, think about an artist during the Renaissance.

Thanks for your analogy. Your text as well as Gil's framing question about "how 
our creation is used" reminded me of a conversation I had with an artist 
earlier this month. 

We were attending a large outdoor night-time public event with lots of various 
public art on display for people to come up and interact with. (It was in fact 
designed as interactive art!) However, we were standing at an installation of 
shadow boxes that people were clearly using in ways not consistent with the 
artist's statement posted next to the shadow theater. In fact, the horseplay 
could have been dangerous for some of the younger children nearby. I asked my 
artist friend what they thought "most artists" (ha!) would think about people 
"mis-using" their work.

Their response: "We're not God. Even God relinquished control. If those people 
hurt others, they'll be the ones responsible."

Regardless of our religious or spirtual backgrounds if any, and granting that 
one artist would never speak for all of them, I still think it's an interesting 
notion to think about.


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