I'm exploring the psychological relationship between the author of a work, and 
the work. i.e. parsing the phrase "my open source code" and would like your 

Assume I need an algorithm, say the quadratic formula. Option 
 is promising and is licensed under GPLv3. Option 
 is also promising, and is released to the public domain under the Unlicense. 
Option C: I write my own code and publish it under a license of my choice.

Obvious differences (language, licenses, amount of work involved in 
incorporating it into my larger solution) are apparent. Less obvious to 
everyone but me is that Option C is "my" code, and I feel an attachment to it. 
When I license it, I'm declaring terms on how I want you to use 'my' code. Thus 
I'm exploring the idea of "my code" with this group, since it informs my 
license choice.

  1.  When I use open source code in my solution, I still feel that my solution 
is mine (even though others wrote some of it).
  2.  When my code is used by others, I don't feel less attached to my code. It 
still feels mine.
  3.  When an open source community modifies my code, when is it no longer my 
code (grandfather's ax problem)?
You see, I realize the quadratic formula is not mine. My coding is mine, but 
I'm just encoding someone else's solution, a solution discovered hundreds of 
years ago. I'm encoding it in a syntax someone else specified. My solution may 
be novel to me, but not to others. So what is it that attaches me to code such 
that I decide the terms under which you use it in your solution?

Gil Yehuda: I help with external technology engagement

From the Open Source Program 
 at Yahoo --> Oath - -> Verizon Media

Speaking only to the psychological relationship rather than the philosophical,  
human possessiveness seems almost universal and rooted in a desire to 
control—be it things, people, environment, etc.  I think the desire to control, 
in turn, is a go-to response to fear.  If we convince ourselves we control 
something we don’t need to fear it or fear losing it.  To the point of some of 
your questions, as you become less afraid of what happens to “your code” it 
seems the desire to control goes away and we almost automatically stop thinking 
about it possessively.  I think your degree of possessiveness has very little 
to do with how much of that code is your handiwork, and very much to do with 
how much you fear losing control.

Think about water running through a creek on your farm.  You need a portion of 
that water to survive, so you support laws and agreements to claim some part as 
yours so you can feel in control of your future.  (which is an interesting 
aside…we probably use the term “my future” to support the illusion of control 
also.)  But the water that flows downstream is soon forgotten even though it 
was exactly the same water, and eventually all of “your water” evaporates from 
the field and you don’t even think of possessing it.
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