Hi Gary,

Den 2010-10-20 08:55 skrev Gary V. Vaughan:
> On 20 Oct 2010, at 13:31, Peter Rosin wrote:
>> Den 2010-10-05 13:33 skrev Peter Rosin:
>>> Den 2010-09-30 09:44 skrev Peter Rosin:
>>>> Maybe the shopt isn't needed after all.  If the SetErrorMode call checks
>>>> if the SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS is already set, that could be used to
>>>> determine if the CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE flag should be added in
>>>> spawn_guts.  Then you could start an MSYS process with a custom error
>>>> mode, and the error mode would be inherited.  Hopefully anyway, I might
>>>> easily have missed something...
>>> I have implemented exactly that and just posted this to the MinGW patch
>>> tracker:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3081421&group_id=2435&atid=302435
>> The silence is deafening.  I wonder if I should have been more explicit
>> about the implications of this patch?  Let me spell it out, I can run
>> the libtool testsuite on MSYS without having to dismiss a single
>> dialog, independent of which compiler I'm using.  All tests are non-
>> interactive if you patch and start MSYS as described in the above
>> tracker.  If you want the dialogs, then simply start MSYS as you have
>> always done and it will behave as it has always done.  I find the patch
>> really nice!
> If you are confident the patch is good, and doesn't need peer review,
> you can commit under the 72 hour rule as long as no-one has asked for
> more time to review or expressed doubts about applying it.
> If you're not confident about the patch, and would rather get a peer
> review before committing, then keep pinging like this until someone
> takes a look.
> I am following the lists, but I'm short on time, and don't have (or
> want) access to any windows machines to determine whether this works
> as advertised.  Briefly following your link, this looks like a mingw
> patch anyway... there is no error-mode.c file in libtool; did you
> post the wrong link?

No, everything is as intended.  Well, apart from the fact that I made
you waste time on this.  I should have been more explicit about this
being a patch for another project, with the only relevance for libtool
being that it helps the libtool testsuite when it runs on MSYS.  It is
indeed a patch for MSYS (shipped by the MinGW crew) and not for libtool.
But I thought at least Chuck would have something to say since he
maintains libtool for the MinGW project and I imagine that he does a fair
bit of libtool hacking on MSYS, at least from time to time, where this
patch would be welcome.


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