Den 2010-10-05 13:33 skrev Peter Rosin:
> Den 2010-09-30 09:44 skrev Peter Rosin:
>> Maybe the shopt isn't needed after all.  If the SetErrorMode call checks
>> if the SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS is already set, that could be used to
>> determine if the CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE flag should be added in
>> spawn_guts.  Then you could start an MSYS process with a custom error
>> mode, and the error mode would be inherited.  Hopefully anyway, I might
>> easily have missed something...
> I have implemented exactly that and just posted this to the MinGW patch
> tracker:

The silence is deafening.  I wonder if I should have been more explicit
about the implications of this patch?  Let me spell it out, I can run
the libtool testsuite on MSYS without having to dismiss a single
dialog, independent of which compiler I'm using.  All tests are non-
interactive if you patch and start MSYS as described in the above
tracker.  If you want the dialogs, then simply start MSYS as you have
always done and it will behave as it has always done.  I find the patch
really nice!

Chuck, have you looked at this?


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