On 9/24/2010 2:53 PM, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:
>> Den 2010-09-24 19:30 skrev Charles Wilson:
>>> That is the typical approach.  The drawback -- usually an acceptable one
>>> -- is that if you are building a "stack" of dependent DLLs:
>>> EXE --> C.DLL -> B.DLL
>>>     --> A.DLL
>>> Then (a) you must link exe using .obj's compiled as pic (e.g. with
>>> -DDLL_EXPORT, even tho the EXE *itself* is not a "shared library").
>>> libtool does this by default IIRC.
> Huh?  But automake won't go this way usually.  With
>   bin_PROGRAMS = foo
>   foo_SOURCES = foo.c
>   foo_LDADD = libc.la
> foo will be linked with foo.o (*not* created by libtool), and neither
> foo.lo nor .libs/foo.o will ever be created.

Err...maybe you are right.  I've been so used to auto-import (and now,
even the warnings are suppressed with modern cygwin and mingw
gcc/binutils), that I'm just used to it simply working.

If I understand the process, the above would fail if libc.la had a
shared library, but we linked foo using -disable-auto-import (e.g. or we
were talking about MSVC.)

More in my reply to Peter's message.


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