Hello Philip,

thanks for the report and patch.

* Philip Allison wrote on Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 01:15:14PM CEST:
> The test program for "whether a program can dlopen itself" generates a
> compiler warning, which turns into a failure when building with "-Wall
> -Werror" in CFLAGS.

Please note that in general, it is impossible for configure tests to be
-Werror clean.  That is not only due to the sheer amount of possible
erros from different GCC compiler versions (not to speak of others),
different sets of warning flags, and system-specific issues, but also
because inherently, some configure tests have to do things that are only
half-decent C.  Thus we strongly recommend to add -Werror only at 'make'
run time and not at configure time already.

That said,

> 2010-06-15  Philip Allison  <philip.alli...@smoothwall.net>
>       * libltdl/m4/libtool.m4 (_LT_TRY_DLOPEN_SELF): Fix unused
>       variable warning in test program.

this patch looks ok to me.  I've applied it in your name, and added you

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