This week I refactored IDocumentFieldsAccess and
IDocumentLineNumberAccess. To have something more in here for a change,
a few weeks ago I started using Clang instead of gcc and I like it much
better. I remember the time where I got an error message longer than my
terminal's scroll buffer because I forgot a closing "}" with gcc ;) .
The only thing bugging me is that the extern-and-not-defined plugin is
not really werror compatible because it seems to warn in a lot of
places. To disable it I moved into a "disabled" folder and told git to
ignore it so I dont commit that changed, but it seems to reappear
everytime I pull.
Also when I started refactoring it was very tedious to move all the
methods call of from SwDoc::method to SwDoc::getInterface::method . I
removed them from doc.hxx and fixed all wrong calls as they popped up as
errors while compiling which is very slow. After some googling I found a
good way to do this faster while still looking at every line I change:
grep "FROM" -rl --include="*.cxx" sw/ | parallel -j1 --tty vim -c
'"%s/FROM/TO/gc"' -c '"wq"' {}
This uses gnu parallel and launches vim for every occurences which
shows me the surrounding code and asks for confirmation for every replace.
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