source/text/simpress/02/10090000.xhp |  269 +++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ad78ad1596eecb0adead6fac10058e2ae1b7ba77
Author:     Sophia Schröder <>
AuthorDate: Sat Feb 25 13:21:22 2023 +0000
Commit:     Olivier Hallot <>
CommitDate: Sun Mar 5 21:50:57 2023 +0000

    Impress: Rework of help files /02/ 15
    Change-Id: I90becc99c5a5f6563faaa198c538105554e67c12
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Olivier Hallot <>

diff --git a/source/text/simpress/02/10090000.xhp 
index 450566f700..fe3c17bec8 100644
--- a/source/text/simpress/02/10090000.xhp
+++ b/source/text/simpress/02/10090000.xhp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<helpdocument version="1.0">
  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
@@ -17,14 +17,13 @@
  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
  *   the License at .
- -->
-<helpdocument version="1.0">
-<topic id="textsimpress0210090000xml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
-<title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">3D Objects</title>
+  <topic id="textsimpress0210090000xml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
+    <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">3D Objects</title>
+    <filename>/text/simpress/02/10090000.xhp</filename>
+  </topic>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" 
id="bm_id3150208"><bookmark_value>toolbars;3D objects</bookmark_value>
@@ -41,155 +40,129 @@
 <bookmark_value>drawing;3D objects</bookmark_value>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3150208" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<section id="objects">
+  <section id="objects">
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Objects3DToolbox" 
id="bm_id3152994" localize="false"/>
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3159238" xml-lang="en-US" level="1"><link 
href="text/simpress/02/10090000.xhp">3D Objects</link></paragraph>
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3152900" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Objects3DToolbox">Opens the <emph>3D Objects</emph> toolbar. The 
objects are three dimensional, with depth, illumination, and 
reflection.</ahelp> Each inserted object initially forms a 3D scene. You can 
press F3 to enter the scene. For these 3D objects, you can open the 3D Effects 
dialog to edit the properties.</paragraph>
-<section id="syobjects">
-<table id="tbl_id3153248">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154767" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3146967" src="cmd/sc_objects3dtoolbox.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3146967" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3150397" xml-lang="en-US">3D 
+<h1 id="hd_id3159238"><link href="text/simpress/02/10090000.xhp">3D 
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3152900" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Objects3DToolbox">Opens the <emph>3D Objects</emph> toolbar. The 
objects are three dimensional, with depth, illumination, and 
reflection.</ahelp> Each inserted object initially forms a 3D scene. You can 
press <keycode>F3</keycode> to enter the scene. For these 3D objects, you can 
open the 3D Effects dialog to edit the properties.</paragraph>
+  </section>
+  <section id="syobjects">
+    <table id="tbl_id3153248">
+      <tablerow>
+        <tablecell>
+          <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154767" 
xml-lang="en-US"><image id="img_id3146967" src="cmd/sc_objects3dtoolbox.png" 
width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt id="alt_id3146967" xml-lang="en-US">Icon 3D 
+        </tablecell>
+        <tablecell>
+          <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3150397" xml-lang="en-US">3D 
+        </tablecell>
+      </tablerow>
+    </table>
+  </section>
 <paragraph role="tip" id="par_id3153038" xml-lang="en-US">To rotate a 3D 
object around any of its three axes, click to select the object, and then click 
again to display its rotation handles. Drag a handle in the direction you want 
to rotate the object.</paragraph>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Cube" id="bm_id3153079" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3153936" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3145593" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cube">Draws a filled cube where you drag in the slide. To draw a 3D 
rectangle, hold down Shift while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
-<table id="tbl_id3145167">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149877" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3149884" src="cmd/sc_objects3dtoolbox.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3149884" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3155440" 
+<h2 id="hd_id3153936">Cube</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3145593" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cube">Draws a filled cube where you drag in the slide. To draw a 3D 
rectangle, hold down <keycode>Shift</keycode> while you 
+  <table id="tbl_id3145167">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149877" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3149884" src="cmd/lc_cube.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3149884" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Cube</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3155440" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Sphere" id="bm_id3150936" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3145354" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3145303" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Sphere">Draws a filled sphere where you drag in the slide. To draw a 
spheroid, hold down Shift while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
-<table id="tbl_id3154865">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3155985" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3155992" src="cmd/sc_sphere.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3155992" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153720" 
+<h2 id="hd_id3145354">Sphere</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3145303" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Sphere">Draws a filled sphere where you drag in the slide. To draw a 
spheroid, hold down <keycode>Shift</keycode> while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
+  <table id="tbl_id3154865">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3155985" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3155992" src="cmd/lc_sphere.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3155992" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Sphere</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153720" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Cylinder" id="bm_id3149447" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3149710" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3152928" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cylinder">Draws a cylinder that is based on a circle where you drag 
in the slide. To draw a cylinder that is based on an oval, hold down Shift 
while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
-<table id="tbl_id3154640">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3147562" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3147569" src="cmd/sc_cylinder.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3147569" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153151" 
+<h2 id="hd_id3149710">Cylinder</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3152928" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cylinder">Draws a cylinder that is based on a circle where you drag 
in the slide. To draw a cylinder that is based on an oval, hold down 
<keycode>Shift</keycode> while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
+  <table id="tbl_id3154640">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3147562" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3147569" src="cmd/lc_cylinder.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3147569" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Cylinder</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153151" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Cone" id="bm_id3153619" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3155843" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3143236" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cone">Draws a cone that is based on a circle where you drag in the 
slide. To draw a cone that is based on an oval, hold down Shift while you 
-<table id="tbl_id3149759">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3151172" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3151178" src="cmd/sc_cone.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3151178" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3148829" 
+<h2 id="hd_id3155843">Cone</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3143236" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cone">Draws a cone that is based on a circle where you drag in the 
slide. To draw a cone that is based on an oval, hold down 
<keycode>Shift</keycode> while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
+  <table id="tbl_id3149759">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3151172" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3151178" src="cmd/lc_cone.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3151178" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Cone</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3148829" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Cyramid" id="bm_id3145419" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3158408" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3147511" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cyramid">Draws a pyramid with a square base where you drag in the 
slide. To draw a pyramid with a rectangular base, hold down Shift while you 
drag. To define a different polygon for the base of the pyramid, open the 
<emph>3D Effects </emph>dialog and click the <link 
href="text/shared/01/05350200.xhp"><emph>Geometry</emph></link> tab. In the 
<emph>Segments</emph> area, enter the number of sides for the polygon in the 
box labeled <emph>Horizontal</emph>, and then click the green 
-<table id="tbl_id3154280">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3152941" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3152948" src="cmd/sc_cyramid.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3152948" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149812" 
+<h2 id="hd_id3158408">Pyramid</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3147511" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Cyramid">Draws a pyramid with a square base where you drag in the 
slide. To draw a pyramid with a rectangular base, hold down 
<keycode>Shift</keycode> while you drag. To define a different polygon for the 
base of the pyramid, open the <emph>3D Effects</emph> dialog and click the 
<link href="text/shared/01/05350200.xhp"><emph>Geometry</emph></link> tab. In 
the <emph>Segments</emph> area, enter the number of sides for the polygon in 
the box labeled <emph>Horizontal</emph>, and then click the green 
+  <table id="tbl_id3154280">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3152941" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3152948" src="cmd/lc_cyramid.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3152948" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Pyramid</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149812" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Torus" id="bm_id3154791" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3149930" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153533" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Torus">Draws a ring-shaped object that is based on a circle where you 
drag in the slide. To draw a torus that is based on an oval, hold down Shift 
while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
-<table id="tbl_id3158435">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3151312" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3151319" src="cmd/sc_torus.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3151319" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3151108" 
+<h2 id="hd_id3149930">Torus</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153533" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Torus">Draws a ring-shaped object that is based on a circle where you 
drag in the slide. To draw a torus that is based on an oval, hold down 
<keycode>Shift</keycode> while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
+  <table id="tbl_id3158435">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3151312" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3151319" src="cmd/lc_torus.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3151319" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Torus</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3151108" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:Shell3D" id="bm_id3152962" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3152952" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153774" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Shell3D">Draws a bowl-shaped object that is based on a circle where 
you drag in the slide. To draw a shell that is based on an oval, hold down 
Shift while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
-<table id="tbl_id3150994">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3155904" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3150838" src="cmd/sc_shell3d.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3150838" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154193" 
+<h2 id="hd_id3152952">Shell</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3153774" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:Shell3D">Draws a bowl-shaped object that is based on a circle where 
you drag in the slide. To draw a shell that is based on an oval, hold down 
<keycode>Shift</keycode> while you drag.</ahelp></paragraph>
+  <table id="tbl_id3150994">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3155904" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3150838" src="cmd/lc_shell3d.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3150838" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Shell</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154193" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:HalfSphere" id="bm_id3154129" 
-<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3156209" xml-lang="en-US" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3146928" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:HalfSphere">Draws one half of a sphere where you drag in the slide. 
To draw a one half of a spheroid, hold down Shift while you 
-<table id="tbl_id3159200">
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149310" xml-lang="en-US">
-<image id="img_id3151328" src="cmd/sc_halfsphere.png" width="0.222inch" 
height="0.222inch"><alt id="alt_id3151328" xml-lang="en-US">Icon</alt>
-       </image></paragraph>
-<tablecell colspan="" rowspan="">
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149484" 
-<embed href="text/shared/00/00000004.xhp#related"/>
-<embed href="text/sdraw/guide/join_objects3d.xhp#join_objects3d"/>
+<h2 id="hd_id3156209">Half-Sphere</h2>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3146928" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".uno:HalfSphere">Draws one half of a sphere where you drag in the slide. 
To draw a one half of a spheroid, hold down <keycode>Shift</keycode> while you 
+  <table id="tbl_id3159200">
+    <tablerow>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149310" xml-lang="en-US"><image 
id="img_id3151328" src="cmd/lc_halfsphere.svg" width="1cm" height="1cm"><alt 
id="alt_id3151328" xml-lang="en-US">Icon Half-sphere</alt></image></paragraph>
+      </tablecell>
+      <tablecell>
+        <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149484" 
+      </tablecell>
+    </tablerow>
+  </table>
+  <embed href="text/shared/00/00000004.xhp#related"/>
+  <embed href="text/sdraw/guide/join_objects3d.xhp#join_objects3d"/>
\ No newline at end of file

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