* Present:
        + Rainer, Petr, Kendy, Bjoern, Michael, David, Tor, Eike,
          Andras, Caolan, Astron, Kohei, Markus, Norbert, Thorsten

* Completed action items
        + poke Jimmac for updated Tango icons (Mirek/Astron)
                + v. positive response from Lapo
        + Noel to ack repeat-format proposal for ODF/TC (Noel / Thorsten)
        + get Alexander commit access & give a free hand (Michael)
        + look at bytemark / win32 tinderboxes (Fridrich)

* Pending Action Items
        + [working on it] pull up misc. internal versions for 3.6 (Fridrich)
                + latest cairo build bust on Windows - cairo needed for svg
        + switch to ChromeOS fonts in master if no reply from Liberation team 
        + rename VCL API to make it GetBeamerFoo & fix (Michael)
        + [pending] add encryption default UI option in 3.6 (Thorsten)
        + [in-progress] think over consequences of moving master -> 3.6 on 
release etc. (Rainer)
                + finding the best sol'n
        + [in-progress] create new bugzilla components next week (Rainer)
        + write 2 paragraph gerrit teaser to dev-list (Bjoern)
        + connect Rainer with sysadmins wrt. status/live issues ticker 

* Action Items review

* GSOC update (Cedric)
        + poke students who havn't interacted - kick them if no
          git commit details setup & interactions.

* UI / design update (Astron/Mirek)
        + Alex - working on a design for Android / file manager
        + another good looking design for the impress remote
        + discussions around updating Tango on-going
        + conditional formatting - color-scales for 3.6 or not ?
                + it will be in 3.6, with data-bars ...
        + prettier rulers & theming (Kendy)
                + improved ruler thanks to Mirek's design
        + Windows 7 theming improvements in progress

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.5.4 - update
                + RC1 builds up-loading to mirrors; on-schedule.
                + Monday: deadline for 3.5.4rc2
        + 3.6 status
                + Will do an Alpha0 build to test building ...
                  week before feature-freeze ie. week after 3.5.4-rc2
                + connectivity, reportreader, shell, scp2
                        + will enable adding 10-12 modules to tail_build.
                        + will merge next week, in time for 3.6
                + eager tripple review volunteers for experimental features
                        + Petr, Bjoern, Caolan

* git submodules status / update (Norbert)
        + plan to integrate remaining modules into git
          using submodules
        + switching to it is a bit of a pain
        + renaming everything one directory up is annoying
        + applying patches across is annoying
        + can still checkout just the repos you want
        + tinbuild work is ongoing
        + best window to include it - before LibO 3.6

        ** Interesting for Release Engineers **

        + will move the git structure around inside
          binfilter, dictionaries, helpcontent
        + will try to get it in before 3.6 branch
        + http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Submodules

        + Advantage is - one sha identified version, across
          the board - and git bisecting works.

* build / tinderbox machines
        + bytemark windows tinderbox machine up & running ...
                + building a full install with debugsymbols
                + once per day.
AA:     + get up-load ssh keys sent / setup (Norbert / Thorsten)

* security bug / updated website review (Caolan)
        + latest CVE information update at:
        + perhaps should list CVEs that don't affect us too ?

* QA update (Rainer)
        + creating new bugzilla components
                + please visit link & answer questions tomorrow

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 60 open (of 213) older 67/211   68/205  71/205  68/199 74/201 73/193 
             28%                  32%      33%     35%     34%    37%    38%    

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 151(+6) bugs open of 556(+24) total

        * Component    count net *
        + Writer       - 58 (+5)
        + Presentation - 18 (-4)
        + LibreOffice  - 15 (+2)
        + Spreadsheet  - 13 (+3)
        + Drawing      - 9  (+0)
        + Database     - 9  (+0)
        + Writer / RTF - 7  (-1)
        + Basic        - 2  (+0)


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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