> but the ContentProperties::UCBNamesToDAVNames function does not contain
> a mapping to a DAV property name, in contrast to the other properties
> added in Content::getResourceType:
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/ContentProperties.cxx#n221

Does -

       else if ( rProp.Name == "ContentType" || rProp.Name ==
"IsDocument" || rProp.Name == "IsFolder" || rProp.Name ==
            if ( !bResourceType )
                    propertyNames.push_back( DAVProperties::RESOURCETYPE
                bResourceType = sal_True;

- imply that the value all of these properties are handled in the same
manner?  [which just seems odd as DAV:resourcetype contains an XML child
like <D:collection/>,  DAV:getcontenttype is a MIME-type string, while
IsFolder, etc... imply some kind of boolean construct].

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