On 30/04/12 16:02, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> I work on a WebDAV server.  Looking at requests from LibreOffice
> [ on openSUSE 12.1] I see requests for properties in the
> "http://ucb.openoffice.org/dav/props/"; namespace.  But the only places I
> can find mention of this namespace are:
> <http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/OpenOffice>
> <http://www.openoffice.org/ucb/docs/ucp-ref/webdav-ucp.html>
> Is there any documentation for the 'format' of these properties?  What
> the client expects?
> And the property I see requested "IsReadOnly" is not listed on the
> openoffice.org page.  
> I'd like to support these properties, especially IsReadOnly [since that
> one is frequently requested].  But there is no documentation on what a
> proper response looks like.

looking into this a bit, it was added in commit

the "IsReadOnly" property is added here in Content::getResourceType:


but the ContentProperties::UCBNamesToDAVNames function does not contain
a mapping to a DAV property name, in contrast to the other properties
added in Content::getResourceType:


so... is there some equivalent of "is-read-only" in WebDAV?
if not then maybe it was simply added there in error...

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