On Tue, 2012-03-13 at 06:56 +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 03:15:10PM +0000, Caolán McNamara wrote:
> > a) oddly base doesn't show the same fields that the bibliography
> >    widget does, possibly a bug worth fixing ?
> Cannot immediately reproduce. Which field is visible in one, but not
> the other?

If I use in writer tools->bibliography database and also open biblio.odb
in "base" and click on "Tables" and then on "biblio" I get...

in the database view from writer: Identifier, Type, Address, Annotate,
Author, Booktitle, Chapter, Edition, Editor, Howpublish, Institutn,
Journal, Month, Note, Number, Organizat, Pages, Publisher, School,
Series, Title, RepType, Volume, Year, URL, Custom1, Custom2, Custom3,
Custom4, Custom5, ISBN

in base only: Identifier, Type, Address, Annotate, Author, Pages,
Publisher, Title, Year, ISBN

> Do you have an idea of how to "PACK" a dbase III file? Is is already
> implemented in our code and we just need to add the function call or
> does that need to be added, too?

I have no idea :-), so in that sense it's probably not suitable for an
easy-hack, at least not from me. Maybe in general there isn't a "PACK"
thing, just nomenclature for "write out a copy of the database but just
don't include the deleted records". Current situation suggests that
people's Bibliography Databases can only ever grow in size.


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