On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 03:15:10PM +0000, Caolán McNamara wrote: > Aha, now I understand the problem. Looking a bit closer, our biblio.odb > *doesn't* embed the database inside the .odb, this is one of the .odbs > which point to an external data source/sink. In this case it points to > ~/.libreoffice/3/user/database/biblio/biblio.db[f|t] so whenever anyone > edits it then only their local .dbf and .dbt files get their data > changed :-)
> Documented a way to update the bibliography database that works with > http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=c7de2ddf67158733ba15cea4cb8f1786e83776d9 > > caolanm->lionel: might be worth having a look at the points a & b in > that README, not sure if those are bugs or intentional behavior. > a) oddly base doesn't show the same fields that the bibliography > widget does, possibly a bug worth fixing ? Cannot immediately reproduce. Which field is visible in one, but not the other? > b) oddly base doesn't seem to "PACK" the dbase III files after > editing, so deleted records still take up space in the file, > possibly a bug worth fixing ? Let's make it an easyhack. Put me in CC on it. It is not entirely clear when we should pack it. After every change is too much (performance-wise). When some threshold of space is wasted? When the .odb file is closed? When the .odb file is saved (but then if only data and no form / report / ... is changed, we never pack....). Do you have an idea of how to "PACK" a dbase III file? Is is already implemented in our code and we just need to add the function call or does that need to be added, too? -- Lionel _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice