Hello all,

Tonight I tried to remove some uses of setCharAt so that it can
eventually be removed, and I ran across a few cases that I would like
to get another pair of eyes on. Especially in one particular case, I
added a guard to make sure that the index was within range and I want
to make sure that it is necessary or if something more involved is
required. The patch is attached, and I remembered to add [PATCH] to
the subject this time :)

August Sodora
(201) 280-8138
From 6e9f990565c46f7dc46e8e3aae1a50122f3104c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: August Sodora <aug...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 02:03:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Remove uses of OUString::setCharAt

 basic/source/sbx/sbxcurr.cxx                     |   10 +++---
 sdext/source/pdfimport/tree/imagecontainer.cxx   |   14 ++++----
 svl/source/misc/lngmisc.cxx                      |    6 ++-
 writerfilter/source/dmapper/ConversionHelper.cxx |   38 +++++++++++-----------
 4 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/basic/source/sbx/sbxcurr.cxx b/basic/source/sbx/sbxcurr.cxx
index c227681..2a1f915 100644
--- a/basic/source/sbx/sbxcurr.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/sbx/sbxcurr.cxx
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ static rtl::OUString ImpCurrencyToString( const sal_Int64 &rVal )
     for ( sal_Int32 charCpyIndex = aAbsStr.getLength() - 1; nInsertIndex >= nEndIndex;  ++nDigitCount )
         if ( nDigitCount == 4 )
-            aBuf.setCharAt( nInsertIndex--, cDecimalSep );
+            aBuf[nInsertIndex--] = cDecimalSep;
         if ( nDigitCount > 4 && ! ( ( nDigitCount - 4  ) % 3) )
-            aBuf.setCharAt( nInsertIndex--, cThousandSep );
+            aBuf[nInsertIndex--] = cThousandSep;
         if ( nDigitCount < initialLen )
-            aBuf.setCharAt( nInsertIndex--, aAbsStr[ charCpyIndex-- ] );
+            aBuf[nInsertIndex--] = aAbsStr[ charCpyIndex-- ];
         // Handle leading 0's to right of decimal point
         // Note: in VBA the stringification is a little more complex
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ static rtl::OUString ImpCurrencyToString( const sal_Int64 &rVal )
         // 0     0.0000     0
         // 0.1   0.1000     0.1
-            aBuf.setCharAt( nInsertIndex--, (sal_Unicode)'0' );
+            aBuf[nInsertIndex--] = (sal_Unicode)'0';
     if ( isNeg )
-            aBuf.setCharAt( nInsertIndex, (sal_Unicode)'-' );
+            aBuf[nInsertIndex] = (sal_Unicode)'-';
     aAbsStr = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
     return aAbsStr;
diff --git a/sdext/source/pdfimport/tree/imagecontainer.cxx b/sdext/source/pdfimport/tree/imagecontainer.cxx
index 9be7bb5..0d0f461 100644
--- a/sdext/source/pdfimport/tree/imagecontainer.cxx
+++ b/sdext/source/pdfimport/tree/imagecontainer.cxx
@@ -75,16 +75,16 @@ rtl::OUString encodeBase64( const sal_Int8* i_pBuffer, const sal_uInt32 i_nBuffe
         sal_uInt8 nIndex (static_cast<sal_uInt8>((nBinary & 0xFC0000) >> 18));
-        aBuf.setCharAt(nBufPos, aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex]);
+        aBuf[nBufPos] = aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex];
         nIndex = static_cast<sal_uInt8>((nBinary & 0x3F000) >> 12);
-        aBuf.setCharAt(nBufPos+1, aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex]);
+        aBuf[nBufPos+1] = aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex];
         nIndex = static_cast<sal_uInt8>((nBinary & 0xFC0) >> 6);
-        aBuf.setCharAt(nBufPos+2, aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex]);
+        aBuf[nBufPos+2] = aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex];
         nIndex = static_cast<sal_uInt8>((nBinary & 0x3F));
-        aBuf.setCharAt(nBufPos+3, aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex]);
+        aBuf[nBufPos+3] = aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex];
     if( nRemain > 0 )
@@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ rtl::OUString encodeBase64( const sal_Int8* i_pBuffer, const sal_uInt32 i_nBuffe
         sal_uInt8 nIndex (static_cast<sal_uInt8>((nBinary & 0xFC0000) >> 18));
-        aBuf.setCharAt(nBufPos, aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex]);
+        aBuf[nBufPos] = aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex];
         nIndex = static_cast<sal_uInt8>((nBinary & 0x3F000) >> 12);
-        aBuf.setCharAt(nBufPos+1, aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex]);
+        aBuf[nBufPos+1] = aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex];
         if( nRemain == 2 )
             nIndex = static_cast<sal_uInt8>((nBinary & 0xFC0) >> 6);
-            aBuf.setCharAt(nBufPos+2, aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex]);
+            aBuf[nBufPos+2] = aBase64EncodeTable [nIndex];
diff --git a/svl/source/misc/lngmisc.cxx b/svl/source/misc/lngmisc.cxx
index ca1b68a..147eee0 100644
--- a/svl/source/misc/lngmisc.cxx
+++ b/svl/source/misc/lngmisc.cxx
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ sal_Bool RemoveControlChars( OUString &rTxt )
             if (!IsControlChar( cChar ))
                 DBG_ASSERT( nCnt < nSize, "index out of range" );
-                aBuf.setCharAt( nCnt++, cChar );
+                if(nCnt < nSize)
+                    aBuf[nCnt++] = cChar;
         DBG_ASSERT( nCnt == nSize, "wrong size" );
@@ -120,7 +121,8 @@ sal_Bool ReplaceControlChars( rtl::OUString &rTxt, sal_Char /*aRplcChar*/ )
                 if (IsControlChar( cChar ))
                     cChar = ' ';
                 DBG_ASSERT( nCnt < nLen, "index out of range" );
-                aBuf.setCharAt( nCnt++, cChar );
+                if(nCnt < nLen)
+                    aBuf[nCnt++] = cChar;
         aBuf.setLength( nCnt );
diff --git a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/ConversionHelper.cxx b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/ConversionHelper.cxx
index a1ebac5..a803477 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/ConversionHelper.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/ConversionHelper.cxx
@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ void lcl_SwapQuotesInField(::rtl::OUString &rFmt)
     for (sal_Int32 nI = 0; nI < nLen; ++nI)
         if ((pFmt[nI] == '\"') && (!nI || pFmt[nI-1] != '\\'))
-            aBuffer.setCharAt(nI, '\'');
+            aBuffer[nI] = '\'';
         else if ((pFmt[nI] == '\'') && (!nI || pFmt[nI-1] != '\\'))
-            aBuffer.setCharAt(nI, '\"');
+            aBuffer[nI] = '\"';
     rFmt = aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ bool lcl_IsNotAM(::rtl::OUString& rFmt, sal_Int32 nPos)
     return (
             (nPos == rFmt.getLength() - 1) ||
-            (rFmt.getStr()[nPos+1] != 'M') &&
-            (rFmt.getStr()[nPos+1] != 'm')
+            (rFmt[nPos+1] != 'M') &&
+            (rFmt[nPos+1] != 'm')
@@ -253,34 +253,34 @@ bool lcl_IsNotAM(::rtl::OUString& rFmt, sal_Int32 nPos)
     sal_Int32 nLen = sFormat.getLength();
     sal_Int32 nI = 0;
 //    const sal_Unicode* pFormat = sFormat.getStr();
-    ::rtl::OUStringBuffer aNewFormat( sFormat.getStr() );
+    ::rtl::OUStringBuffer aNewFormat( sFormat );
     while (nI < nLen)
-        if (aNewFormat.charAt(nI) == '\\')
+        if (aNewFormat[nI] == '\\')
-        else if (aNewFormat.charAt(nI) == '\"')
+        else if (aNewFormat[nI] == '\"')
             //While not at the end and not at an unescaped end quote
-            while ((nI < nLen) && (!(aNewFormat.charAt(nI) == '\"') && (aNewFormat.charAt(nI-1) != '\\')))
+            while ((nI < nLen) && (!(aNewFormat[nI] == '\"') && (aNewFormat[nI-1] != '\\')))
         else //normal unquoted section
-            sal_Unicode nChar = aNewFormat.charAt(nI);
+            sal_Unicode nChar = aNewFormat[nI];
             if (nChar == 'O')
-                aNewFormat.setCharAt(nI, 'M');
+                aNewFormat[nI] = 'M';
                 bForceNatNum = true;
             else if (nChar == 'o')
-                aNewFormat.setCharAt(nI, 'm');
+                aNewFormat[nI] = 'm';
                 bForceNatNum = true;
             else if ((nChar == 'A') && lcl_IsNotAM(sFormat, nI))
-                aNewFormat.setCharAt(nI, 'D');
+                aNewFormat[nI] = 'D';
                 bForceNatNum = true;
             else if ((nChar == 'g') || (nChar == 'G'))
@@ -289,11 +289,11 @@ bool lcl_IsNotAM(::rtl::OUString& rFmt, sal_Int32 nPos)
                 bForceJapanese = true;
             else if (nChar == 'E')
-                if ((nI != nLen-1) && (aNewFormat.charAt(nI+1) == 'E'))
+                if ((nI != nLen-1) && (aNewFormat[nI+1] == 'E'))
                     //todo: this cannot be the right way to replace a part of the string!
-                    aNewFormat.setCharAt( nI, 'Y' );
-                    aNewFormat.setCharAt( nI + 1, 'Y' );
+                    aNewFormat[nI] = 'Y';
+                    aNewFormat[nI + 1] = 'Y';
                     aNewFormat.insert(nI + 2, ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("YY")));
@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ bool lcl_IsNotAM(::rtl::OUString& rFmt, sal_Int32 nPos)
             else if (nChar == 'e')
-                if ((nI != nLen-1) && (aNewFormat.charAt(nI+1) == 'e'))
+                if ((nI != nLen-1) && (aNewFormat[nI+1] == 'e'))
                     //todo: this cannot be the right way to replace a part of the string!
-                    aNewFormat.setCharAt( nI, 'y' );
-                    aNewFormat.setCharAt( nI + 1, 'y' );
+                    aNewFormat[nI] = 'y';
+                    aNewFormat[nI + 1] = 'y';
                     aNewFormat.insert(nI + 2, ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("yy")));
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ bool lcl_IsNotAM(::rtl::OUString& rFmt, sal_Int32 nPos)
                 // MM We have to escape '/' in case it's used as a char
                 //todo: this cannot be the right way to replace a part of the string!
-                aNewFormat.setCharAt( nI, '\\' );
+                aNewFormat[nI] = '\\';
                 aNewFormat.insert(nI + 1, ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/")));

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