On the topic of machine translation of German comments in LibreOffice
source code ...

On Wed, 2011-10-05 at 17:25 +0200, Lubos Lunak wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 of October 2011, Noel Grandin wrote:
> > Yeah, the results are clunky.
>  I think it might make sense to include the machine translated comments, but 
> mark them as such and still keep the original intact.

I think that at a minimum, any machine translations should
identify themselves as such.  Passage of time already
induces doubt about the truth of comments; why add another
reason for doubt?

>  It's going to take ages for it all to be translated manually and IMO the 
> translations can be occassionally useful, even if of questionable quality.

OTOH, google translate is available to the reader who is
sufficiently desperate for a translation.

Obviously, the problem--if it is a problem at all--is that
those competent to do a trustworthy job are competent to do
other valuable things as well.  Some may suggest that the
experts should redirect their efforts; I am not one who will
make that suggestion.

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