On Sat, May 09, 2015 at 02:31:16PM +0200, David Tardon wrote:
> > At the very least, you would need to be consistent about passing
> > --host and --build to the externals:
> Cross-compilation support for the bundled projects was added to these
> that needed to be cross-compiled. Doing it for all of them would be a
> lot of effort for no immediate gain. Instead, people interested in
> cross-compilation are expected to fix things themselves.

All of the libraries used on the target machine need to be cross

> What is your motivation then?

The customer wants this. 

> > The same goes for the many --without-foo and --disable-bar options.
> > Many of these don't work.
> Examples, please?


There are others, too.  Sorry, I've been through so many bad
combinations, but I didn't keep notes about this.

(I do have more specifics about configure.ac and the makefiles.)

Like I said, at the end I'll try to give feedback about where the
issues are, but I don't expect being able to really clean this all
up.  That would be a ton of work.

> > x86_64
> Why?!

Well, the customer is always right, you know. ;^)

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