
On Sat, May 09, 2015 at 11:27:49AM +0200, Richard Cochran wrote:
> On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 08:07:19PM +0300, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
> > Well, we have tinderbox slaves that cross-compile for Android and iOS
> > constantly, so it can't be totally broken.
> Those only work because the makefiles are full of special hacks for
> those two targets. For example:
>   find external -name \*mk | xargs grep -E 'IOS|ANDROID' | wc -l
>   75
> At the very least, you would need to be consistent about passing
> --host and --build to the externals:

Cross-compilation support for the bundled projects was added to these
that needed to be cross-compiled. Doing it for all of them would be a
lot of effort for no immediate gain. Instead, people interested in
cross-compilation are expected to fix things themselves.

> > So you need to be more specific. Also whether something is considered
> > "broken" or not depends somewhat on whether it is even promised anywhere to
> > work, don't you think?
> From previous experience with large C++ projects, I didn't really
> expect LO to cross compile at all, and I am not saying that it aught
> to.

What is your motivation then?

> > As you should have noticed, LibreOffice is far from
> > some "typical" small Open Source library using GNU auto everything that
> > would be cross-compilable by simple passing --host and --build options to
> > the configure script. LibreOffice's configury and build system is quite
> > complex. (But then, so is the build system of most *large* Open Source
> > software packages.) We don't promise anywhere that arbitrary
> > cross-compilation would work.
> It doesn't work in general.  That is not so bad, but it would be
> better to specifically limit the configuration choices to the
> supported (and tested!) targets.

That does not work. E.g., ~4 years ago it was possible to cross-compile
for windows on linux on SuSE Linux, but not on Fedora, because Fedora
did not contain all the mingw32 packages SuSE did and some of the
bundled projects were failing to build.

> The same goes for the many --without-foo and --disable-bar options.
> Many of these don't work.

Examples, please?

> > You don't even tell what the host platform
> > for which you are cross-compiling is.
> x86_64

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