On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 20:06:06 +0200
Robert Nagy <rob...@openbsd.org> wrote:

> If a patch/merge touches all of the platform files then it should be
> sent to the developers responsible for that part of the tree directly,

Completely unworkable for a cws that was open (not integrated) at OOo,
needed huge rework (endless rebases) to make into a linear patch queue,
had to migrated over to git and be merged again with master (50KLOC
change in over 200 dirs and over 100 changesets IIRC). We also discussed
testbuilding the feature branch on the ESC (I proposed that), but that
was turned down as it would have bound quite some resources.

> instead of sending it to the development mailing list which has too
> many traffic to actually follow (for me at least).

You are free to do so, but if you do, please dont expect complaining to
exactly _that_ _list_ where the big, fat warning was posted two days
before the merge will win you flowers. ;)




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