Hi Kendy,
Jan Holesovsky wrote (27-07-11 00:51)
With the patch I am proposing for cherry-picking to 3.4 (I have pushed
that to master), the options are unset when you use the FindBar, ie. it
Fine for me as temporary solution!
The annoyance of not understanding what happens with the Find bar is
larger then the problem of having to set options again ..
Plus, what IMO is more important ...
resets whatever flags the user has set in the Search& Replace dialog
too. This is not easy to fix, so I wonder if you consider this stop-gap
solution bearable for the users?
... is the older discussion from ux@ooo (1) and an/more issue (2), about
the unexpected, invisible reuse of options previous set in the F&R
dialog and some inconsistencies/debatable choices made in the
Would be useful I guess to at least consider those too, before touching
the code for a real solution.
1) http://openoffice.org/projects/ux/lists/discuss/archive/2009-10/message/8
2) http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=88714
- Cor
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