On Sat, 2011-07-16 at 11:06 +0200, Knut Olav Bøhmer wrote:
> > pImp->hConv = DdeConnect( pInst->hDdeInstCli,*pService,*pTopic, NULL);
> > DdeConnect is not an OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice function. I guess it
> > is in unicows.


Google says "setting up a DDE connection involves sending a message to
*every* top-level window to see if it will accept the conversation.
You've got a process that is not clearing its message queue" 

I guess the thing to try and find out is what process is the one not
responding to the DdeConnect, whether its LibreOffice itself in some
fashion or some other app.

I presume your DdeServer there is working and not the one itself
directly blocking the DdeConnect ?


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