I don't know, I am not a C developer.
I counted 1807 RTF Controls in the v1.9.1 RTF Specification.
As of June 20, 2011, Libre Office has about 12 % theoretical support for 
RTF (perfectly implemented and not considering bugs or glitches).
If I understood correctly, I thought I read somewhere the Libre Office 
exporter was worked on last summer (please correct me if I'm wrong).

There are 230 out of 633 RTF Controls that are in both the importer 
(including those currently under development) and exporter (230/1807=12%)
There are 244 other RTF Controls only found in the importer (including 
those currently under development) (230+244/1807=26%)
There are 158 other RTF Controls only found in exporter (230+158/1807=21%)
So, you have about an 21% chance of success (don't bet you next lunch on 
that one).

I think RTF support is important because many Users could use Libre 
Office if they can still reliably work with their existing documents: 
without starting from scratch or having major issues/fixes/trashing 
with/of their current documents.

If we support, encourage and assist Miklos Vajna in any way we can, 
Libre Office can have 100% theoretical support for RTF.
Just FYI, Tracey

comunesanfior [via Document Foundation Mail Archive] wrote:
> Hi,
>  sorry but your post really interesting ....
>  I'm not sure if there is already a solution to my bug
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38966
> thanks
> RZ
> Roberto Zucchetto - Responsabile Servizi Informativi
> Piazza G. Marconi n. 2 - 31020 San Fior (TV)
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