On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 02:53:28PM -0700, tracey002 <wp...@gte.net> wrote:
> I parsed a Libre Office RTF document and found a  number of RTF controls 
> that are not in the Microsoft RTF Specification.
> Is there a list of non-Microsoft RTF controls used by Libre Office?

I don't know about any specification for that, sorry - we all inherited
those from OOo.

From memory, those are:

- pgdsctbl group: for page styles
- updnprop group: for sub/superscript
- hyphen group: for detailed hyphenation properties

If you can write a script that extracts keywords from the exporter and
looks them up in the spec, finally lists the custom ones in the wiki,
that would be great. Otherwise I'll probably do it some day.

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