Marco wrote:
> What I get is an XView object that does not support any service.
> I look into the implementation code for SlideSorter and I found
> out that this object, which I get, is indeed a fake XView:
> its real type is a ViewShellWrapper from which we can get
> a SlideSorterViewShell that owns a method to provide a
> XDrawSubController interface for the view.
Hi Marco,

wow, nice detective work - and you're almost there:

> Now as I said my problem is that to utilize these classes I have
> to include the headers under "sd/source/ui/inc/" but they are not
> delivered to "solver/340/".
> So what should I do ?
Well, this is purposefully not accessible from the outside - what
you want to do, is to make that XDrawSubController available via
API. A very cheap cop-out would be to add something like
com::sun::star::beans::XMaterialHolder to the ViewShellWrapper
interfaces (add it to ViewShellWrapperInterfaceBase, and use
WeakComponentImplHelper5 instead of WeakComponentImplHelper4) - and
have the implementation hand out the result of calling
mpViewShell->CreateSubController() for that new interface.

There are surely cleaner ways to do that, API-wise, e.g. by
implementing an XPropertySet, and/or the DrawingDocumentDrawView
service - maybe Christian has suggestions on how to best evolve

That said, I'd put lower priority on this for the moment, and
instead get back to the java script and master page parts.


-- Thorsten

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