Hello Thorsten,

On Wednesday 08 June 2011, 05:29, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Marco wrote:
> > I hoped to get some type of object or container that let me to find
> > the selected thumbnail slides out.
> > On the contrary the result is that the selection type is "void",
> > that means "no selection" IMO.
> > 
> > So I don't know how to carry on this task.
> Hi Marco,
> Cc-ing the list, this may be of public interest - for the moment, I
> suggest you simply export *all* slides. Christian, off the top of
> your head, is there a way to retrieve the current selection from the
> Slidesorter via UNO?

I guess the export filter will get a reference to the document model, so he 
will need to get the "SubController" [1]
Model -> Controller -> SubController

Some dummy OOo Basic code:

Sub Test_SubController
        Dim oDoc
        oDoc = ThisComponent
        Dim oController, oSubController
        oController = oDoc.getCurrentController()
        Dim aSelection, aPage
        oSubController = oController.getPropertyValue("SubController")
                REM It can be the Normal/Notes/Handout view
                Select Case oController.DrawViewMode
                        Case com.sun.star.drawing.DrawViewMode.DRAW:
                                MsgBox "Normal"                         
                        Case com.sun.star.drawing.DrawViewMode.NOTES:
                                MsgBox "Notes"
                        Case com.sun.star.drawing.DrawViewMode.HANDOUT:
                                MsgBox "Handout"
                End Select
oSubController.supportsService("com.sun.star.presentation.SlidesView") Then
                MsgBox "Slide Sorter"
oSubController.supportsService("com.sun.star.presentation.OutlineView") Then
                MsgBox "Outline"
        End If
        aSelection = oSubController.getSelection()
        'should be a "com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection"
        aPage = oSubController.getCurrentPage()
End Sub

[1] mmm documented but commented

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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