I'm confused. I just tried applying the patch on Writer on my home
desktop, and I can still access the data sources explorer by pressing
F4, and through the View menu. Or were you only being sarcastic when
you mentioned my disabling the data sources functionality entirely?
Email is such a pain for discerning sarcasm sometimes.

I think the issue I saw mentioned elsewhere is that the default window
is cluttered with buttons. The person I read mentioned removing the
data sources button only from the standard toolbar. This would allow
for a cleaner look. Also, power users would know how to add back the
data sources button. (My patch merely disables it from being seen by
default, but it's still accessible in the Customize Toolbar section.)

The data sources explorer is still accessible from the View menu, and
my patch didn't affect that.

I agree that data sources are useful. I don't necessarily agree that
it's necessary to have an extra button on the standard toolbar that
users have to decipher its meaning so they can find the buttons they

Samuel Cantrell

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Samuel Cantrell
<samuelcantr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Whoops, I didn't know that it disabled that...
> I was going off of a page linked to from "Default UI
> Improvements"...https://sites.google.com/site/rgbmldcwriterideas/home/default-values,
> which said, "Does [sic] 'normal people' use data sources enough to
> justify a toolbar button? Of course that's an important option for
> many people but people who use advanced option like databases will for
> sure be able to add a button if they need it so why the option is
> there by default?"
> Either way, I didn't think that data sources would be disabled by
> turning off that button. I'll have to check.
> Thank you.
> Samuel Cantrell
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Alexander Thurgood
> <alex.thurg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Le 11/06/11 16:46, Samuel Cantrell a écrit :
>> Hi Samuel,
>>> I was on the Default UI Improvements wiki page, and it linked to
>>> https://sites.google.com/site/rgbmldcwriterideas/home/default-values,
>>> which had some comments about default values that could be changed in
>>> LibreOffice.
>>> One of those was the removal of the data sources button, as it's not
>>> used very much. I coded some patches that remove it in Writer and
>>> Calc.
>>> Does anyone have any comments on whether the data sources button should 
>>> stay?
>> My first comment as a frequent user of that button is : thanks, but no
>> thanks.
>> My second comment, which is more of a question, would be : where is the
>> evidence to back up your statement of "its not used very much" ? I don't
>> recall seeing any questions being asked on any of the OOo forums or on
>> the discuss or user mailing lists.
>> My third remark is : I take it that you have deactivated the DSB
>> (datasource browser) functionality at the same time and freed up F4 for
>> something else you might deem more useful ? (with a slight tinge of
>> irony in my voice).
>> Thin end of the wedge IMO.
>> Alex
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