Hi all,

I imagine you've all heard about the proposal[1] to contribute OO.o to
the Apache Software Foundation. I've been involved with Apache for
well over a decade, on its Board of Directors since 2001, its current
Vice Chairman, the VP of Apache Subversion, and was the Chairman for
five years. In short: lots of Apache experience.

I've been following and participating in the discussion around the
OO.o proposal on the gene...@incubator.apache.org list[1]. One of the
threads of that discussion was to reach out to the people in the
Document Foundation and the LibreOffice communities. So... that's this
email. I'm now subscribed to discuss@df, steering-discuss@df, and

I intend to lurk regarding all the regular work that you all are doing
here. I'll be paying particular attention to any conversations or
concerns that you may have about the OOo/Apache stuff, and will
attempt to answer questions that you may have. I'm catching up on the
archives now.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, then please feel
free to direct them my way (on whatever list). I'm here to listen and
understand, and to offer up answers where I can.


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenOfficeProposal
[2] send mail to general-subscr...@incubator.apache.org if you would
like to subscribe and directly talk about the proposal
LibreOffice mailing list

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