Hi Cristoph,

thanks for the quick feedback (in great quantity!)

On 21/03/2011 10:41 PM, Christoph Noack wrote:
Just a few questions at the beginning:
       * Is that bug filing form intended to help less experienced users?
         (Within this mail, I'll assume that).
Yes, that's the idea.
       * Is the formatting of the page final, or will it be embedded in
         another web page?
It's not final. I'm not sure whether it will be embedded into another page, but for the moment I'm not focusing on the appearance of it.
At the moment, there are some minor issues and some things that look a
bit illogical to me (but this may only be me). So please bear with me
when I simply state some of these issues:
       * When choosing the options, users might miss the information
         whether they are finished or not. So my proposal would be to
         state a text / placeholder like "Further information required."
         and add visual clues (spacing, subtle headings, or ...) between
         the different questions.
'Further info needed' message sounds good. Maybe unanswered questions should be a different colour to stand out, that'd be pretty simply to implement.
       * The large heading "Before you file ..." seems to be a heading
         for the whole page - I'm sure it is not. The whole page is about
         the bug report (= the heading) and some hints to consider before
         filing any issue (proposal: a separate box at the top). There,
         please include the "If you are having more than one problem ..."
Yeah, that heading is left-over from the previous person's work, I hadn't got round to changing it.
       * The whole text seems a bit too technical (assumption: less
         technical users). There is "#libreoffice IRC", "crash", ODF (on
         the wiki pages), "bug", ...
Thanks, it wouldn't have occurred to me that this was too technical. I'll have a go at making it simpler.
       * The combination of some entries seems a bit strange, e.g.:
               * "There is a problem with the website" + "Crashes the
Hmmm, the website message thing is a bug, that's not meant to be there!
               * "LibreOffice crashes" + "Does it crash ... load or
                 save ... document? YES" + "Do you need to load a
                 document to execute those steps NO".
Yeah, that section needs reorganising. Actually, it probably makes the most sense to have to pick one of "crash when load/save", "crashes when I do these things" and "crashes randomly".
       * Some helpful hints might be less helpful for users, e.g.:
               * "If possible, please search the bug reports before ..."
                 -->  If the users are less experienced, how and where to
                 do that? If I remember correctly, Gnome let the user
                 enter some terms and then searches within such kind of
                 bug filing form.
Looks like a bug-search form should be simple to add. Good idea.
               * "Are you sure ... fonts installed. Bear in mind ... may
                 list fonts that are not installed". -->  How should the
                 user identify what kind of fonts are installed (still, I
                 assume less experienced users).
I did try and look for some existing documentation about seeing what fonts are installed/how to install them, but couldn't find any. If anyone knows of any, or could write some, it'd be helpful. :)
               * "document ... then attach it" -->  where? (Maybe it's not
                 yet implemented, but I didn't see the nice placeholders
                 you used elsewhere).
Not yet implemented. I'm not yet sure whether picking a file on this page can be used to fill it in on the bugzilla form. Or if going the more ideal route of directly bypassing the form, how to submit multiple files (for instance screenshots as well). However, it looks like Michael Munch might have a better idea of that side. (I'll address that in another post shortly).
       * Formatting stuff:
               * The "Description" fields are very small - maybe the
                 problems are small as well, but I think it is helpful to
                 increase the field size a bit. (On my computer, the
                 current size is approx 4x2 cm)
               * The radio buttons are itself a list, so we might skip
                 the additional bullets.
I haven't yet spent time making it look pretty, including these two things. I'll fiddle with the formatting once everything is working. :)
       * It would be just great if the "For help on this, see here" could
         just open an additional section below the current section. That
         would save the users to jump back an forth with the newly opened
         browser windows.
Hmmmm. It looks like the wiki has an API, so it would be possible to grab sections from the wiki. eg, http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/index.php?action=render&title=User:AtkinsSJ/BugFiling <http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/index.php?action=render&title=User:AtkinsSJ/BugFiling>
Grabbing only a section looks a bit more complex, but doable.
I hope this list doesn't look discouraging - quite the contrary. To me,
it's a real please that somebody picked up this topic. So if you need
more detailed proposals / an in-depth review, then please let me know
(or just ping the Design Team). I'll wait for your request until you
think it's ready ...
Perhaps a little discouraging at first! But very useful; I've got quite a list of things to work on with it now. Thanks!

~ Sam
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