Cesare Leonardi wrote:
> As a user i'd want a stable and long term file format, not one that
> change often and without clear evidence of that.
Hi Cesare,

yes, but you probably also want to sometimes load MS Office
documents that people mail you, and not loose half of the layout. Or
maybe not you personally, but loads of other users. :)

As a matter of fact, standards-conformance and interoperability
within ODF land is but one out of several important requirements
LibreOffice has to handle. In the end, it's a compromise - but at
least a configurable one. ;)

> At this point both ODF 1.2 and 1.2 extended are a moving target, if
> i have understood correctly...
Well, ODF 1.2 not anymore - this is pretty much done. The next
version will then probably be ODF 1.3, planned is to work on that
for about two years.


-- Thorsten

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