Hello all.

I'd like to reopen a discussion that some month ago took place here:
It was suggested to discuss it with the developers but Google doesn't seem to find other discussions on this topic. So here i am. :-)

LibreOffice 3.3.0 default file format is like OOo3.x: ODF 1.2 extended.
Let's call it ODF1.2+. The last ratified standard is ODF 1.2 and the extended one is not yet ratified.

The question is: why using the extended version by default?
What if ODF1.2 extended will never be ratified? There is someone who is pushing for it? Shouldn't the feature that relies upon ODF1.2+ relegated under "experimental feature" or something like that?

It's about interoperability.
If others wants to make software that interact with ODF files, which version should they choose? The last standard one, or 1.2+ because the main ODF implementation is OOo/LibO? And what does ODF 1.2 extended mean? Is the extended version of OOo3.0.0 equals to OOo3.3.0? Or, since it is an in-progress standard, they differ in some aspect? In other words, can OOo3.0.0 read a document produced by OOo3.3.0? The "extended" terms doesn't guaranteed this. I'm not a developer and i have to google around to be sure to have no surprise in mixed environment.

I'd like to listen LibO develelopers point of view on this topic.

Keep up the good work, folks!

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