Hi Caolán,

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 5:46 AM, Caolán McNamara <caol...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I wonder why I don't see this behaviour locally. If I type a url in
> writer or impress and then put my mouse over it I get the same hand as I
> see in gimp, etc.

Several cursor themes use same cursor for both GDK_HAND1 and GDK_HAND2.
In this case there is no difference.
But there are some cursor themes which use different cursors (e.g. DMZ
(White) ) and
provide GDK_HAND2 only (e.g. Arch Cursor Theme (Simple)).

DMZ (White)

Arch Cursor Theme (Simple)

Using such themes, you'll see different hands.

> The only time I see the other hand is if I type anything into draw,
> whether its a url or not, i.e. I'm in a mode where clicking and moving
> the mouse moves the textbox under it. Is the previous screenshot from
> draw ?, and if it is, does clicking spawn off the brower when the cursor
> is like that ?
> If you type the url in writer and press ctrl with the mouse over it, do
> you get the same hand as in gimp ?

The previous screenshot is from Impress with DMZ (White) cursor theme.
It is happened in Writer with ctrl key pressing and Help Viewer as well.

Takeshi Kurosawa <taken....@gmail.com>
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