> So the problem must be in setup.exe, in some cases it fails to understand 
> that it should use a transform. That is good, because it means we can debug 
> it.

Which I did. Which was fun. Or at least entertaining. The code in 
libs-core/desktop/win32/source/setup/setup.cpp is, what shall I  say, amusing. 
It probably is based on code from Windows 3.1 era.

The problem was in the SetupAppX::GetProfileSection() method. This method loads 
one of the sections in the setup.ini file in the installer directory. It does 
some "clever" buffer management, initially allocating a relatively small 
buffer, and then growing it if the requested section doesn't fit. (With our 
multi-language installer, the [languages] section is quite large.)

To actually read the section, the Win32 function GetPrivateProfileSection() is 
used. Unfortunately the author of the code didn't read the documentation for 
that function's return value carefully enough. It says "If the buffer is not 
large enough to contain all the key name and value pairs associated with the 
named section, the return value is equal to nSize minus two". Alas, the code 
was written as if the return value would be the required size, if the passed 
buffer size was not big enough. (Which, sure, would be a saner API, and match 
many other Win32 APIs.)

The first bug was in the test whether the return value indicated a too small 
buffer. The test never was true.

But if that was fixed, it didn't help, because the code that attempted to retry 
with a bigger buffer, instead of (for instance) multiplying the buffer size by 
two, because of the same misunderstanding, didn't increase it at all. Even if 
it would have increased it, with a fixed amount or multiplier, to be really 
really correct, surely it should loop, not increase it just once and retry.

So, the attached patch seems to fix the problem. The initial buffer size is now 
10000 which de facto is big enough for us, but just in case, I kept the 
resizing (now as a loop) and in that the size is limited for sanity to a 
million characters or so. Should be enough. (And yes, I did verify that the 
looping resizing code works by temporarily using a much smaller initial buffer 

The symptom of the bug was that only the first 20 or so languages in the 
setup.ini file were recognized. German happens to be among those, which 
explains why it worked for Thalion72. Hungarian, Swedish and Portuguese 
(Brazil) are not, so they didn't work. In a test build with just a few 
languages, they all worked...

Please review the patch. Three approvals are needed to get this into the 3.3 


Attachment: setup-exe-section-buffer.diff
Description: Binary data

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