
Sorry that I used the background color directly. I just do not known jet how
to use themes.

Is there a theme for displaying a warning label in a dialog?

The color of the warning was inspired by the spec:

Where can I find the specs for the UI and UX for LibreOffice?

Best regards,

2011/1/5 Michael Meeks <michael.me...@novell.com>

> On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 23:03 +0100, Joost Eekhoorn wrote:
> > Thanks for making the improvements.
> >
> > > I haven't found a way to change the color of edit box either, so we
> > > can leave that a future project for now.
> >
> > Setting the background color is what I have used for the warning
>         Soo ... in general setting manual colors that don't come from the
> theme
> is a disaster area for accessibility.
> > "aFtWarn.SetControlBackground( Color( COL_YELLOW ) );"
>         There are whole schools-fulls-of users in the tropics that explode
> when
> they see the color yellow :-) [ or something like that ].
>        Seriously; any color we use for highlighting (or whatever) should
> come
> from the defined colors used for the rest of the app, and thus from some
> sort of system theme (ideally). That way it can be changed to be
> high-contrast / low-contrast etc.
>        This is in part why you tend not to see yellow entries left/right
> :-)
>        HTH,
>                Michael.
> --
>  michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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