On Sun, 2010-12-05 at 21:23 +0100, Pierre-André Jacquod wrote:
> I was thinking of taking a 2 steps approach: first silent warning in a
> conservative way (this is also less risk to introduce bugs) and then to
> "down-size" the module just keeping the needed part.

That works for me.

> In my opinion, the needed part would be, for the next releases, just the
> read capability of (older?) binary format build in within LibO.

If we didn't currently have the capability to write them I definitely
wouldn't be in favour of adding it. But seeing as we already have the
capability of writing them, I wonder if we should retain it, on the
other hand, maybe this is the best route to take :-), drop support for
writing new ones and help prod the format into extinction.

> Is there a "technical" steering committee for this kind of decision, where we 
> could propose / give reasons for thinking this or that? 

There is alright, a phonecon typically once a week or so. maybe we can
put this topic on the agenda and you could dial in if its at a suitable


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