On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 10:21:49 +0000, Michael Meeks <michael.me...@novell.com> 
>       Currently our hicontrast theme is built by packimages/pack/makefile.mk:
> # generate the HiContrast icon set
> $(MISC)$/hicontrast.flag .PHONY :
>     $(PERL) $(SOLARENV)$/bin$/hicontrast-to-theme.pl
> $(SOLARSRC)$/default_images $(MISC)$/hicontrast && $(TOUCH) $@
>       Which runs a script that build that theme.

Not anymore! I just pushed a change to master that

- moved artwork/default_images/<all the hicontrast images> to

- deleted the hicontrast-to-theme.pl script and removed the above
unneccessary blurb from the makefile.

>       So ! :-) I suggest that we start by using the above perl script to
> create an entirely new theme (in artwork/) "hicontrast" - that is
> essentially the results of hicontrast-to-theme.pl - with all of the 'h'
> variants removed from it.

Done :). I do hope there is no fallout and things work as they are
intended to work.


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