Hi Joseph Firstly - thanks for tackling this 'feature'. Great stuff! Really excited about seeing this in a future release.I have a few points to make, but will try to be brief: 1. MaskColorIMHO this is completely redundant, certainly for icons. Before switching to PNGs that can handle proper transparency, this was obviously used with bitmaps. With 95%+ of our icons we wont have a magenta transparency index colour (RGB:255,0,255), yet this is set throughout the code. It would be good to cleanup this useless Masking... However, I think there is still some artwork (not icons) that may use this. See: Basis\share\config\symbol. Of course these few remaining bitmap (BMP) images can be easily converted to PNGs. Happy to help.Also, is there any reason that many of the icons are coded with the wrong file extension (.bmp vs .png)?... 2. BreakageIt seems the tricky cases you are cleaning up might fix some of the breakage that occurs due to HC dependencies. See an old blog entry here:http://oootweak.blogspot.com/2006/02/icon-dependencies.htmlAnd related issues such as: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=61432I'm happy to retest these if you can send me a Dev build (WinXP or Mac). Is there any plan to make some of these patches available to OOo? 3. TestingAs mentioned above, I'm really happy to play with any builds. To aid testing I have created two drop in replacement icons sets:http://people.bath.ac.uk/ea2aced/OOo/HC-Hacking.zipThese sets substitute all the HC variant icons (sch, etc.) to highlight if we are picking up the wrong images from anywhere.In the 'Normal' galaxy set, the HC icons are replaced with a white 'N' on a RED background; for the 'HiContrast' set we have a yellow 'H' on a BLACK background.It may also be useful to test against an image pack with all HC variants deleted. As per my blog entry, this was useful in finding dependencies and crashes.Here is my list of search tags for easy scripting and removal of HC variants...http://people.bath.ac.uk/ea2aced/OOo/LibO%20HC%20tags.txt 4. MigrationIt has been mentioned that we should start to piece wise remove the HC icons and place them in a new theme (i.e. ooo_custom_images/hicontrast). If this is the case, it might be wise to package the hicontrast theme (internally) as a tar archive (as for Oxygen, Classic, etc). It will save cluttering up the Git repository, since this theme will only every have minimal updates and I also hope in due course we can work on refactoring the Icon Themes, after which it might make sense to store the unarchived files. However, this means every time we move an icon into the theme, the whole archive is updated... Is it worth just creating the hicontrast theme as it stands now, and then piece wise just deleting the HC variants from default_images?... Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Thanks again. All the best,Andrew
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