Hi all,

thanks first for your quick reply but this didn't solve the
issue.  Most of my code is derived from the "post_example.c",
though I only use the GET method to pick up some values from
connecting users. I create a session for each incoming new
request and record session start time.  The answer is a simple
webpage dynamically created for the URL from a database. After
receiving the filled form/submitted page from the user, I send a
confirmation that details the received values. All this works
nicely and timely.

After a sucessful receipt I want to expire the session soon. In
case the session remains idle for 15 Min I want to expire it too.
Here is my code:

        daemon = MHD_start_daemon (     MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD 
                                                                | MHD_USE_POLL,
&create_response, NULL,
                                                                (unsigned int) 
        if (NULL == daemon)
                return (emsg ("Can't create daemon"));
        while (1)
                expire_sessions ();
                if (MHD_get_timeout (daemon, &mhd_timeout) == MHD_YES)
                tv.tv_sec = mhd_timeout / 1000;
                tv.tv_usec = (mhd_timeout - (tv.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000;
                tvp = &tv;
                        tvp = NULL;
                MHD_run (daemon);
        MHD_stop_daemon (daemon);

I thought I would block the mainloop for 900 sec, in case there is no
new request, but this seems to cause the idle-loop. Any hints how to
fix this problem and expire completed/idle sessions is highly appre-


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